Kosher Farmer Certification

The Kosher Farmer certification program is an organization formed with the intent of certifying sincere Kosher Farmers who go beyond what normal farming requires. Consumers want to know who is growing their food and they are no longer content with a stamp from main stream organizations.

More and more clientele are looking for small and local farms where they can purchase regularly and having Kosher Farmer certification gives the farmer an advantage by letting others know their background and base of knowledge.

Kosher Farmers have a great understanding of the garden and use wisdom and intuition to work all for the good. They work with the crops and not against them.

Kosher Farmers have no need for chemicals or toxic growing methods. They use only organic and sustainable methods during farming because our health and environment is always at stake when it comes to our food.

Ultimately, Kosher Farmers have the proper perspective and prioritize correctly in the fields and gardens and work towards maintaining plants like they were in the "original" garden.

It is important to have a thorough knowledge of kashrus in the kitchen to be a Kosher Farmer and it is crucial to learn kashrus from a reputable teacher.

Where to learn kashrus:

Pirchei Shoshanim has a superior kashrus program available and those that complete the course can submit their certificate to us to become a certified Kosher Farmer.

Contact us today if you have completed another kashrus course and we will evaluate your individual situation.

All Kosher Farmers seeking certification must have completed a formal course in kashrus as it is vital to the food production process.

Questions can be directed to: